Tarot for the eve of Scorpio Season

Ooooh, I’m always excited when it’s about to be Scorpio Season. While others are focused on Halloween, I’m focused on all the energy around it, which includes a thinning veil between the underworld, the dead, and the living. With this in mind, I have chosen decks that call on the energy of these archetypes: the dead, the underworld, the living. Enjoy. 

Decks Used: Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle, Scorpio Sea Tarot, The Phantomwise Tarot, Sacred Hags Oracle



Left: Nyx (Darkness), King of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Hag of Holy Stones (Second Sight) 

Pause in this time of darkness to look at what is around you. Nyx is the dark mother. She is the mother of light and friendship as well as death and sorrow. The message here is to let go of preconceived notions and experience things with a new lens. You don’t have to prove yourself, although you are impatient to be recognized. Perhaps there is a lesson there. You are competent and highly skilled. The only one that needs to recognize your worth is you. 



Center: Sphinx (Gratification), Seven of Coins, Six of Wands, Season of the Elders’ Altar (Ancestral Healing) 

Ah, here we are with high expectations again. The duality of the Sphinx should be enough of a cautionary tale to remind you that you really don’t have control over anything. What you can do is heal yourself, and while doing so, heal your ancestral lineage. This is not a quick process, and you will want it to go a certain way. Let that be the lesson. Sit with the uncomfortable and comfortable with equal reverence. Accept it as it is. 



Right: Gunakadeit (Blessings), Three of Coins, Four of Pentacles, Cracking the Cosmic Egg (Creativity) 

Something is ready to be birthed through you. You have grown and have created a little nest egg of ideas or ways of being. The bubbling up inside you feel is this idea wanting to be brought to life. The Hag Oracle reminds us that birth is never a painless process, but it is filled with love. 

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